FAQs about bank failure

We’ve compiled a list of questions we’re most commonly asked by Canadians about member institution failures and published them along with our answers here.


How long will it take CDIC to make a payment on my insured deposits?
Are High Interest Savings Accounts (HISA) insured?
How is my business account(s) covered?
How does CDIC insurance apply to joint deposits?
What is the payment procedure for joint deposits?
How does a deposit qualify as a joint deposit?
I have multiple joint accounts with different people (my spouse, children, grandchildren), are they each covered up to $100,000?
I have a joint deposit with my spouse, and I also have a joint deposit which was made on my behalf in trust by my broker. Are they each covered up to $100,000?
My mortgage is held at the failed member and payment is due at the end of the month. Do I still need to pay it?
If I am unable to make any bill or mortgage payments because my bank account at the failed member no longer works. What do I do?
What will happen to all my automatic withdrawals / payment / bills / payroll / pension coming in and out of my account at the failed member?
What will happen to my loan/line of credit?

For depositors

How long will it take CDIC to make a payment on my insured deposits?
Are High Interest Savings Accounts (HISA) insured?
How is my business account(s) covered?
How does CDIC insurance apply to joint deposits?
What is the payment procedure for joint deposits?
How does a deposit qualify as a joint deposit?
I have multiple joint accounts with different people (my spouse, children, grandchildren), are they each covered up to $100,000?
I have a joint deposit with my spouse, and I also have a joint deposit which was made on my behalf in trust by my broker. Are they each covered up to $100,000?
My mortgage is held at the failed member and payment is due at the end of the month. Do I still need to pay it?
If I am unable to make any bill or mortgage payments because my bank account at the failed member no longer works. What do I do?
What will happen to all my automatic withdrawals / payment / bills / payroll / pension coming in and out of my account at the failed member?
What will happen to my loan/line of credit?

For brokers and other financial professionals

What is a brokered deposit?
How are nominee brokered deposits protected by CDIC?
How will CDIC provide insurance payments for in-client name brokered deposits?
How will CDIC provide insurance payments for in-nominee name brokered deposits?
How long will it take for CDIC to pay nominee brokered insured deposits?
I am a broker/agent for a brokerage firm. What can I do to accelerate the payment process for my clients?
As a nominee broker, how many days do I have to provide client/beneficiary information to CDIC?
As a nominee broker, where can I find the Nominee Broker Data Requirements (NBDR)?
I am a client of a broker who placed my money at a failed member. My broker has told me to call CDIC. How do I get my money back?
What if my client has more than $100,000 in nominee brokered deposits held at a failed institution?

For professional trustees

How are professional trustee deposits protected by CDIC?
What’s the reimbursement process for deposits held by professional trustees?
I am a professional trustee who has placed deposits at a member institution. Will CDIC contact me regarding my clients’ deposits?
How will CDIC provide insurance payments for deposits placed by professional trustees?
How long will it take for CDIC to pay professional trustee deposits?
As a professional trustee, can I request that the payment be directed to a beneficiary or client?
How many days do professional trustees have to provide client/beneficiary information to CDIC?
What if my client/beneficiary has more than $100,000 in deposits in a designated professional trustee account held at a failed institution?
I am a client of a professional trustee who placed my money at a failed member. The professional trustee has told me to call CDIC. How do I get my money back?

For general trustees

How are deposits held in trust protected by CDIC?
How does CDIC calculate the insurance payment for general trustees?
As a general trustee, am I required to provide beneficiary information to CDIC when a member institution has failed?
I am a general trustee who has placed deposits at a failed member. Will CDIC contact me regarding my deposits?
I am a beneficiary with a general trustee. Will I get reimbursed by CDIC or by the trustee?

Deposits held in one name

How long will it take CDIC to make a payment on my insured deposits?
Are High Interest Savings Accounts (HISA) insured?
How is my business account(s) covered?

Joint deposits

How does CDIC insurance apply to joint deposits?
What is the payment procedure for joint deposits?
How does a deposit qualify as a joint deposit?
I have multiple joint accounts with different people (my spouse, children, grandchildren), are they each covered up to $100,000?
I have a joint deposit with my spouse, and I also have a joint deposit which was made on my behalf in trust by my broker. Are they each covered up to $100,000?

Mortgage / bill payments

My mortgage is held at the failed member and payment is due at the end of the month. Do I still need to pay it?
If I am unable to make any bill or mortgage payments because my bank account at the failed member no longer works. What do I do?
What will happen to all my automatic withdrawals / payment / bills / payroll / pension coming in and out of my account at the failed member?
What will happen to my loan/line of credit?

Term deposits

What happens to my GIC?
Can I transfer my non-registered (savings, chequing, GICs) deposits directly to another bank instead of waiting for a cheque in the mail?
Since I do not have any specified interest on my index-linked GIC, how will you calculate my interest?

Registered deposits

Are all products in my RRSP / RRIF / RESP / RDSP / TFSA / FHSA covered by CDIC?
What are my coverage limits for my RRSP / RRIF / RESP / RDSP / TFSA / FHSA?
Are there tax consequences to the reimbursement of insured deposits in my RRSP / RRIF / RESP / RDSP / TFSA / FHSA?
How do you calculate insurance on a spousal RRSP?
Will I continue to receive my monthly RRIF payments?

Still have more questions?

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