

About CDIC

Board Committees

The board has three standing committees:

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee assists with the Board’s oversight of CDIC’s financial reporting processes, internal controls, and independent auditors. This includes the integrity of CDIC’s financial statements; the financial reporting process; the systems of internal accounting and financial controls; the performance of CDIC’s internal audit function; and the performance of any special examinations pursuant to the Financial Administration Act (“FAA”).

Risk Committee

The Risk Committee assists with the Board’s oversight of CDIC’s enterprise risk management framework as well as CDIC’s identification, assessment, management and recording of key risks. This includes financial, operational, reputational and strategic risks which could impact CDIC’s ability to carry out its mandate.

Governance and Human Resources Committee

The Governance and Human Resources Committee assists with the Board’s oversight of key corporate governance and human resources and compensation matters. This includes corporate governance issues affecting CDIC, processes, structures and information necessary for effective direction of CDIC, Board Chairperson, private sector director and senior management succession planning, key human resources and compensation policies, processes and strategies.

Board Committees Charter

Date Effective: September 29, 2023

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